Archiv der Kategorie: Song of blades and heroes

Wir sind die Größten! – SOBAH


Als großer Fan der Scheibenweltromane musste ich natürlich auch eine Bande für Song of Blades and Heroes mit einem Hintergrund aus einem der Bücher kreieren. Meine Wahl fiel auf die „Wir-sind-die-Größten“. Die ausgewählten Figuren, die Kobolde von Otherworld Miniatures, entsprechen zwar nicht der allgemeinen optischen Vorstellung der Wir-sind-die-Größten, aber es sind halt auch Kobolde! Hier also die Figuren, ihre Geschichte und die SoBaH Profilwerte.

Die „Wir-sind-die-Größten!“ sind Kobolde aus dem Kreideland. Die Wir-sind-die-Größten! sind scheu, wieselflink und haben eine außerordentliche Begabung, sich zu verstecken. Sie leben weitestgehend räuberisch-parasitär, denn sie klauen in menschlichen Siedlungen alles, was sie zu brauchen meinen, soweit es nicht niet- und nagelfest ist. Außerdem sind sie absolut furchtlos und ihre bevorzugte Kampftaktik ist der frontale Angriff, wobei ihr Kopf als Hauptwaffe eingesetzt wird. Bei aller Furchtlosigkeit, haben sie jedoch Angst vor Geschriebenem, vor Anwälten und natürlich vor dem Zorn ihrer Kelda. Die Kelda ist ihr Oberhaupt und der einzige weibliche Kobold des Stammes. Der Große-Mann ist der Partner der Kelda und der Anführer im Kampf. Die Wir-sind-die-Größten! glauben fest daran, gestorben zu sein…sie befinden sich also schon im Paradies! Darüber hinaus verstehen sie es zwischen den Dimensionen der wirklichen Welt und Traumwelten oder mythischen Welten zu wechseln. Träger der Kultur unter den Wir-sind-die-Größten! sind die Dudler, die darum hohen Respekt genießen. Dieser Dudler spielt kunstvoll auf der ohrenbetäubenden Mäuse-Dudel und ist in den Überlieferungen der Größten bewandert.

Hier erst mal die Charaktere

Rob Irgendwer (Größter der Größten)
Points 54 Quality 3+ Combat 3
Special Rules  Fearless, Short Move, Leader, Hero

Betty (Kelda)
Points 46 Quality 2+ Combat 1
Special Rules  Magic User, Leader, Fearless

Der-kleine-irre-Arthur (Wieseltrainer)
Points 16 Quality 3+ Combat 1
Special Rules  Fearless, Short Move, Beastmaster

Großer Yan
Points 25 Quality 3+ Combat 1
Special Rules  Fearless, Short Move, Leader
Points 60 Quality 3+ Combat 3
Special Rules  Fearless, Short Move, Hero,Combat Master

Points 50 Quality 3+ Combat 2
Special Rules  Fearless, Short Move, Hero,Combat Master
Wully (+Falke)
Points 49 Quality 3+ Combat 2
Special Rules  Fearless, Flying, Long Move, Running Blow

…und hier der Rest der bunte Truppe.

Kobold Krieger
Points 18 Quality 4+ Combat 2
Special Rules  Fearless, Gregarious,Short Move

Kobold Schütze
Points 20 Quality 4+ Combat 2
Special Rules  Fearless, Gregarious,Short Move, Shooter (short)
Kobold Späher
Points 21 Quality 4+ Combat 2
Special Rules  Fearless, Gregarious,Short Move, Stealth
Kobold Mäusedudler
Points 34 Quality 4+ Combat 2
Special Rules  Fearless, Gregarious,Short Move, Distract, Musician

Points 15 Quality 4+ Combat 2
Special Rules  Animal, Long Move

Nachfolgend die Liste der Eigenschaften:

Animal (-3 Points)

Animal models do not receive experience points in campaigns. No more than 50% of the members of a warband may be animals. Animals cannot use magic items. Animals automatically rout when the last nonanimal model in their warband is killed.

Beastmaster (6 Points)

Beastmaster is a limited version of the Leader special rule applying only to Animal models. All friendly animal models within one Long distance from the Beastmaster have +1 on Quality. If the Beastmaster is killed or routed off the table, all friendly Animal models are automatically removed from play. Only Personalities can have this rule. The +1 Leadership Bonus from Leader and from Beastmaster do not stack. A Beastmaster enjoys the Leadership bonus from a Leader. Animals cannot be Beastmasters themselves (if you want to represent a pack leader, just give the Leader special rule). The advantage of Beastmaster is that it’s cheaper, point-wise, than Leader.

Combat Master (15 Points)

A model with the Combat Master ability can make one hand-to-hand attack per action. This means that a Combat Master who is adjacent to an enemy may roll three activations and make three attacks, or a Powerful attack followed by a normal attack. If the model is adjacent to more than one figure, attacks can be divided as the players sees fit. For example, a model adjacent to two enemies could roll three actions and perform one Powerful attack on one foe and a regular attack on another, or he could roll two attacks on one foe and one on the other. Only Personalities can be Combat Masters. A Combat Master with the Running Blow ability may use Running Blow in each of his movements. A Combat Master with the Assassin or Lethal rule may use it only on one of his attacks (player’s choice, but must be declared before rolling the combat die). A Combat Master with Poison can apply the effects of these rules in every attack he performs. A Combat master enjoying an Ambush bonus would have the bonus only on his first attack. A Combat Master performing a Free Hack gets only one Free Hack as per normal rules. A Combat Master enjoys the +2 from Berserk or the +1 from Dashing only on his first attack.

Distract (12 Points)

A model with the Distract special ability is able to confound opponents. Treat as the ability to cast Transfix spells. As per Transfix, range is Short with one success, Medium with two and Long with three. Distract doesn’t work on Animal, Artificial or Undead models. This can represent the petty magic used by sprites and fairies, the beguiling song of a mermaid, harpy or a lamia or the trance-inducing gaze attack of some monsters.

Fearless (3 Points)

Fearless models are immune to the effect of Gruesome Deaths and to Terror. They make Morale rolls normally for the loss of a Leader or when their Warband loses 50% of members.

Flying (10 Points)

Flying models can freely move above obstacles such as trees, boulders and even non-flying enemy models. They have Free Disengage against non flying models. Flying models always land at the end of their move. Combat between flying and ground models is conducted as normal. A flying model takes no special damage when he falls during combat, even when the combat is between two aerial combatants – the models have means to stop the fall.

Gregarious (3 Points)

Gregarious models have +1 on their Quality rolls when attempting group moves. Examples of Gregarious creatures include peasants who aren’t especially brave or effective in single combat but can swarm over their opponents when following the orders of a capable leader.

Hero (15 Points)

Heroes always roll one automatic success, regardless of their Quality. So if you activate a Hero on two dice, you roll only one and assume that the other die rolled a 6. In addition, once per game, a Hero model can reroll one die roll, be it a Combat or Quality roll. The result of the second die roll is final, even if it is worse than the

Leader (15 Points)

Leaders influence models’ quality and morale. Any friendly model within Long distance from a Leader has its Quality rolls (including Morale rolls) increased by one. When a Leader dies, though, all friendly models must make a Morale roll. The effects of multiple leaders are not cumulative — so if a model lies in the range of two Leaders, its Quality is adjusted by 1, not 2. Note that models with the Leader special rule are not mandatory in a warband. The leader’s bonus does not count if the leader is on the ground or if the model cannot see the leader (the model cannot trace a line of sight to the leader). Enemy models do not obstruct line of sight from a model to his leader (thus you count your bonus even if you can’t see your leader because he is surrounded by enemies). Leaders may also attempt group activations – – rolling to activate a group of 2 to 5 models with a single die roll.

Long Move (10 Points)

Models with the Long Move rule use the Long measuring stick when moving.

Magic User (15 Points)

Magic-Users can cast spells by making a Quality check. See the Magic section.

Musician (3 Points)

A Musician within Long from a Leader AND a Group gives one activation re-roll to that Group when making a group move. Roll for Group activation as normal (1, 2 or 3 dice as you see fit), and then you can re-roll one die that failed. The re-rolled result is final. You can use this special rule only once per turn, so if you have more than one Group in range, only one will benefit from the re-roll. A Musician cannot give its bonus if it has fallen or if it is engaged in hand-to-hand combat.

Running Blow (6 Points)

A model with the Running Blow special rule is able to hit an enemy while moving and doesn’t have to stop when it enters in hand-to-hand combat with a foe. To perform a Running Blow, place the measuring stick on the tabletop in a way that a point of the model’s path is adjacent to its target. Move the model up to that point and perform the attack as normal. If the model wins the combat, no matter what happens to the foe, the model is moved to the end of the stick without having to disengage or suffering any Free Hacks. If the opponent is knocked down, he is knocked down exactly where he is at the moment of attack. A model with Running Blow can still make only one attack per turn – if his movement brings the model in contact with another enemy after the first, the model’s movement stops there, adjacent to the new enemy. A model with Running Blow and Combat Master may perform multiple attacks along his path. See Combat Master, above.

Shooter (short: 2, medium: 4, long: 7 Points)

Shooters can make ranged attacks such as shooting a bow, throwing javelins or breathing fire. The range of the attack is shown in the profile as Short, Medium or Long.

Short Move (-3 Points)

A model with the Short Move rule uses the Short measuring stick when moving.

Stealth (3 Points)

A model with Stealth can move silently across the battlefield, using available cover to its advantage. As long as the model is adjacent to any scenic feature that counts as cover, the model cannot be targeted by any ranged attacks. Note that there is no need for the cover to be between the Stealthy model and potential shooters — as long as the Stealthy model’s base is in contact with a scenic item, he can’t be targeted.